Central Processor Unit / Floating Point Unit

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Main CPU

HnetInfo Benchmark detects your processor type and parameters (vendor, type, family, ...).

L1 Cache - Very fast memory built-in the processor that holds recently accessed data. Some processors have separate code & data caches, others have a unified cache. The size varies between 1kB to 64kB. The L1 cache runs at processor bus speed.

L2 Cache - Some processors have a second level of cache, larger than the L1 cache (64kB to 2MB) but slower. The cache can either be built-in (i.e. in the chip, e.g. Celeron) or on-board (i.e. in the CPU cartridge, e.g. Pentium II)


Information about the capabilities of your processor
FPU built in CPU - whether the co-processor (if present) is built-in or external.

Virtual Mode Extensions - (VME) CPU supports the extensions for V86 mode that typically enhances the speed of virtual machines under Windows.

Debugging Extensions - (DE) CPU supports breakpoint setting in the I/O address space.

Memory Page Size Extensions - (PSE) The standard page size is 4KB. Some processors may support different sizes (4MB) which is advantageous when more memory is installed.

Time Stamp Counter - Internal counter incremented every clock cycle that allows high precision measurements.

Model Specific Registers - (MSR) CPU has special (model-specific) internal registers.

Physical Address Extension - (PAE) Physical addresses bigger than 32-bits are supported.

Machine Check Exception - (MCE) Exception 18 is supported.

CMPXCHG8B Instruction (64 bit compare) - (CX8) An instruction to compare & exchange 8 bytes.

Multiprocessor support (APIC enabled) - An Advanced Interrupt Controller is built-in which is faster and can be used for multi-processing.

Fast System Call supported (SYSENTER/SYSEXIT) - (FSC) Support for instructions SYSCALL & SYSRET.

Memory Type Range Registers - (MTRR) Supports special registers that improve cache throughput.

Global Page Enable - (GPE) CPU supports global pages enable/disable.

Machine Check Architecture - (MCA) Internal test of processor is available.

CMOV Instruction - (CMOV) Allows conditional execution of instructions without jumps.

Serial Number - (PSN) CPU has an unique serial number that is visible to software.

MMX - Multi-Media extensions is s set of instructions added by Intel to speed-up multimedia applications by using SIMD (single instruction multiple data) type operation like multi-processor arrays.

AMD Extended 3DNow! - Extensions added to MMX by Cyrix & AMD.

AMD 3DNow! - this is a set of instructions added by AMD to speed-up 3D multimedia applications using the processor. Unlike MMX, it works with floating point data. Support is included in DirectX 6 and later.

IntelStreaming SIMD extension - A superset of MMX set of instructions added by Intel to speed-up multimedia applications by using SIMD (single instruction multiple data) type operation like multi-processor arrays. While MMX works with integer data, SSE works with floating-point data. Support is included in DirectX 6.1 and later.

MMX is an extension to the x86 instruction set that allows multiple bytes of data to be packed together in a single register and operated on simultaneously. MMX consists of 57 new instructions for speeding multimedia tasks. The trick to these new instructions is that they operate on many different data elements at once, which increases the overall amount of work the processor can do. Examples range from operating on multiple pixels in a bitmapped image to multiple sound channels in an audio stream. MMX is not intrinsically a graphics or multimedia acceleration technology, but those are the types of applications that stand to benefit most. MMX will provide a substantial performance boost for some new applications that are coded to use MMX (more so for home rather than for business applications).

SSE(2) is an extension to the MMX instruction set designed to accelerate software performance in application that use 3D graphics, 3D geometry, signal processing, simulation, video and 3D software rasterisation, video encoding/decoding (e.g. MPEG, MPEG2).

Tests how your CPU stacks up to other typical systems.
Integer Measures Integer index of main processor.

Floating point Measures Floating point index of main processor.

Pi index Calculates Pi with precision of 2000.

Matrix Computes multiplication of matrix 250x250.

Prime numbers Computes first 10 000 prime numbers to test recursion.

Dhrystones (MIPS) Computes Dhrystone benchmark. The results are in MIPS.

Whetstones (MWIPS) Computes Whetstone benchmark. The results are in MWIPS.
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